We turn project managers into confident leaders in 90 days

Digital Project Management Foundations is a three-month remote digital project management course that turns good PMs into exceptional ones

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Watch your PMs take back the project wheel

Deliver on your client promises

Watch your margins grow predictably

Your job is not a micro-manager

You’ve invested a ton of time and money to hire solid project managers. Why is it so tough to deliver projects that make your clients happy and keep your team feeling energized?

Processes are inconsistent. Reporting is all over the place. Your team is wasting hours in meetings that go nowhere. You don’t know where project margins and progress are at and constantly feel like you need to step in and save the day, pulling you away from your actual job.

You shouldn’t have to babysit. You have a team of intelligent people. They were just never taught how to build better project management systems using their hearts and their heads.

We’ll teach your PMs how to be stars

The Digital Project Management Foundations course teaches your project managers how to…

Design better processes

Create predictable environments for creativity, flexibility and experimentation.

Improve relationships

Build stronger alignment and set meaningful boundaries and expectations with stakeholders.

Increase project profitability

Use intelligent risk analysis, predictive planning, scoping, scheduling, and capacity management to smooth out cash flow and increase margins

The course we wish we had

Louder Than Ten started as a digital agency in 2009. Our team has delivered thousands of projects as project managers, team leaders, and production staff at other agencies and product companies. We never had quality project management training that applied to the digital work and the agency environments we were working in.

We learned the hard way. And we put all our years of practice and trial-by-fire secrets together and created a course to support all the PMs who are busting their asses out there without a community or a playbook.

Digital Project Management Foundations is the course we wish we had when those complex creative, marketing, and software projects rolled in all those years ago.

93% of grad­u­ates recoup train­ing fees with­in 3 months

200+ students at agen­cies, departments, and prod­uct stu­dios trained

100% designed for dig­i­tal teams

Loud­er Than Ten’s Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course had a huge impact on my pro­fes­sion­al growth as a PM, and as a result, on our com­pa­ny as a whole. Our projects are run­ning more smooth­ly and prof­itably, and our clients are notic­ing. I’m grate­ful to be a part of such a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­ni­ty. Kudos to LT10 for all they’re doing to grow and sup­port lead­ers in our industry.

Case studies


This seasoned agency makes digital transformations look easy

Kevin and Lauren Deal working together on the couch in their home studio

July Five Design

A brand new Black-owned digital agency flourishing at stellar PM practices

Hello Amigo
Kick Point
Speed & Function
Post Projects

3 steps to a confident project leader

How we make sure your project manager learns the right thing the right way.

1. Teach

Teach them the fundamentals of digital project management in the agency world from our 500+ pages of curriculum and supporting resources.

2. Synthesize

Students demonstrate their knowledge and solidify concepts with collaborative assignments and in-class exercises relevant to their actual working environments.

3. Apply

With the support of their trainer, fellow cohort members, and the Louder Than Ten community, students have a safe, supportive space to apply the concepts they learn at work.

9 course modules delivered weekly

Sales and project intake

Learn how to create alignment between sales and PM teams and upsell valuable projects

Stakeholder onboarding and setup

How to transition a project from intake to project start, onboard your stakeholders, and organize your team

Discovery, research, and communication plans

How to lead an amazing kickoff, facilitate good research, and assemble a solid communication plan

Intro to project scoping

How to define, simplify, and control the requirements that make up your project

Agile, Kanban, and hybrid approaches

How flexible planning and iterative development impact your project

Estimating projects

How to apply smart estimates and useful ranges in project management

Project scheduling

Intuitive schedules, time boxing, calendars, and deadlines

Resourcing and capacity management

How to plan for the right people, doing the right amount of work, at the right times

Maintenance and future phases

The process and mindset needed for long-term relationships

Students also get

Up to 8 people per cohort

11 weekly 3 hour remote classes

One-on-ones with their trainer

24/7 peer support in our Slack community

Exercises they can apply to your agency

33 hours of training

Monthly AMAs with industry professionals

500+ pages of original curriculum

300+ templates, resources, and guides

Access to Nimber, our estimating tool

Workshops and processes they can run with your team

Your trainers

A portrait of Abby Fretz


Digital PM Trainer & Consultant

Abby is a PM Oper­a­tions con­sul­tant and train­er and Direc­tor of Prod­uct at Loud­er Than Ten. She’s pas­sion­ate about trans­form­ing PM teams at dig­i­tal agen­cies. She has taught hun­dreds of stu­dents and their agen­cies how to imple­ment eth­i­cal and sus­tain­able PM prac­tices, taught Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment class­es for Girl Devel­op It, guest lec­tured at Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts’ con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion pro­gram, co-chairs DPM Philly, and men­tors peo­ple inter­est­ed in enter­ing or hon­ing their craft in the field of dig­i­tal project management.

A portrait of Rachel Gertz


Director of Growth and Delivery, Consultant

Rachel Gertz is a Co-founder and Direc­tor of Deliv­ery and Growth at Loud­er Than Ten. She helps small to medi­um sized dig­i­tal agen­cies trans­form their dig­i­tal PM oper­a­tions through hands-on train­ing and con­sult­ing. Her mis­sion at Loud­er Than Ten is to pro­pel tech work­ers through an uncer­tain future by train­ing dig­i­tal com­pa­nies how to give pow­er to the peo­ple lead­ing their projects.

A portrait of Ketian Dou



Ket­ian is a train­er at Loud­er Than Ten. She start­ed off her career as an Engi­neer, but lat­er tran­si­tioned into dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing. A trained process thinker, Ket­ian drove busi­ness strate­gies in biotech­nol­o­gy, lux­u­ry fash­ion, super­cars & yachts, med­ical devices, arts, edu­ca­tion, media, build­ing ser­vices and real estate.

Digital Project Management Foundations Certificate

Certificate on completion

Digital Project Management
Foundations Certificate

Perfect for

  • Project Managers
  • Design & Development Leads
  • Freelancers
  • Small agency owners
  • Agency teams
  • Product teams

Register for a class

Start dateStatus
Sep. 17, 2024Registration open



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Frequently asked questions

How long is the Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course?

The Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course fea­tures 9 mod­ules that are taught in real-time over the course of about 3 months.

Who is this course for?

The Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course is best suit­ed for junior to inter­me­di­ate PMs, or for any­one who is look­ing for a deep­er under­stand­ing of the project life cycle. It can also be used to onboard a dig­i­tal project man­ag­er with­in a new organization.

Do I need to have for­mal project man­age­ment expe­ri­ence to enroll in the Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course?

No — although most of our appren­tices have some degree of project man­age­ment expe­ri­ence, it is not a pre­req­ui­site. It helps to have a work­ing knowl­edge of cre­ative or dig­i­tal skills like mar­ket­ing devel­op­ment, writ­ing, event plan­ning, or design (if you would like to give your­self a head start we rec­om­mend tak­ing a course or two from Super­Hi before enrolling in the Foun­da­tions course. Here’s a refer­ral link for our self-direct­ed intro­duc­to­ry dig­i­tal project man­age­ment course offered in part­ner­ship with Super­Hi). Some of the most pop­u­lar non-PM roles that we see in this course include: 

  • Project lead
  • Man­ag­er
  • Free­lancer
  • Coor­di­na­tor
  • Pro­duc­tion Specialist
  • Design Man­ag­er or Director
  • Devel­op­ment Lead or Director
  • Event man­ag­er
  • Account Man­ag­er
  • Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er or Strategist

Here it is in short: if you work with clients or on an inter­nal team herd­ing cats, you’ll ben­e­fit from the Dig­i­tal PM Foun­da­tions course.

What does my tuition pay for?

Your course tuition gives you access to week­ly remote train­ing ses­sions, as well as: 

  • Class record­ings for future reference
  • 500+ pages of use­ful course mate­ri­als, guides, and templates
  • 1:1 ses­sions with your train­er for per­son­al development 
  • Exclu­sive esti­mat­ing and pric­ing tools
  • Month­ly AMA (Ask Me Any­thing) events with indus­try experts
  • Access to an active Slack com­mu­ni­ty filled with friend­ly and help­ful peers 
  • Access to exclu­sive project esti­mat­ing and pric­ing tools
Who teach­es the Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course?

Your Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions train­er is a skilled dig­i­tal project man­ag­er and con­sul­tant with years of agency and cre­ative team expe­ri­ence. Learn more about our train­ers.

I don’t see my ques­tion here — who can I speak to?

If your ques­tion isn’t answered here or in our full FAQ, feel free to drop us a line at hello@​louderthanten.​com or call 18442040004 if you need urgent support.

Talk to us.

Learn more about our programs or just say hi.