Guides and tips

A smat­ter­ing of use­ful arti­cles, links, and step-by-steps for curi­ous minds.

Find your footing in project management. We’ve got a curated collection of links and tips just for you, Footloose.

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Creative People Say No

Yes! Oops, I mean: NO. This is one of the best arti­cles we’ve read in a long time. Put it under your pillow.

Don't let your client write the content

A thou­sand times YES. Do not let your clients take the reigns on this one. A great sum­ma­ry of how you can show them the val­ue of writ­ing the con­tent in house (or hir­ing a writer to do it).

Full Stack Basics for the Non-Developer

A real­ly sol­id (and real­ly long) arti­cle about how Full Stack works. It cov­ers all the basics and is writ­ten in bite-size chunks for non-developers.

How Buffer pays remote employees

A thor­ough break­down of how Buffer com­pen­sates its employ­ees around the world. Use­ful for any­one with remote con­trac­tors or employees.

How to Read the Internet

Remem­ber the inter­net before news­feed algo­rithms? When you had con­trol over your media sources? It’s time to get reac­quaint­ed with the RSS… the best friend you for­got you had. Robin Rendle’s here to help you get set­up and read­ing on your own terms.

The Producer Playbook

This book is loaded to the gills with help­ful PM knowl­edge. Cre­at­ed by Wes Jones, you can get this book for $5 off if you use the dis­count code: louderthanten

The Successful Digital PM

Great series that analy­ses the role of Dig­i­tal Project Man­ag­er, by friend of Loud­er Than Ten, Adam Edgerton.


A List Apart

Still one of the best infor­ma­tion­al hubs for design, process, and web trends.

Adventures in Project Management

Brett is prac­ti­cal­ly the father of the DPM com­mu­ni­ty. If you don’t know who he is, you’re a square, but we still love you. Ask him about putting on a work­shop in your city.

Dear Design Student

A col­lec­tion of Medi­um arti­cles chalk full of advice on work­ing in the design industry.


A fab­u­lous newslet­ter by a good pal and sol­id remote dig­i­tal PM, Natal­ie Semczuk.

Drunken PM

A psy­cho­log­i­cal can­vas for the PM brain. There’s some gold in here.

Every Day DPM

Oh, you know, just a lit­tle dig­i­tal PM inspi­ra­tion every damn day of the week. Brought to you by Brett Harned and Rachel Gertz. Don’t mind if we do.

Kickass PM

This blog is packed like a cream cheese bagel full of smooth DPM resources. Chew on them.

The Distance

A pod­cast about stay­ing small and werkin’ hard. By the folks who brought you Basecamp.

The Sam Barnes

Sam is the best. Sharp, hilar­i­ous, knows his PM shit. Read this blog and go see him talk.


Canadian Freelance Union

If you’re a Cana­di­an free­lancer, you should join the Cana­di­an Free­lance Union. Mem­ber­ship is inex­pen­sive and you get access to a host of great resources, a job board, and a com­mu­ni­ty of solidarity.

Democracy at Work

Non-prof­it media that ana­lyzes cap­i­tal­ism crit­i­cal­ly as a sys­temic prob­lem and advo­cates for democ­ra­tiz­ing work­places as part of a sys­temic solution.

Freelancer's Union

Net­work with and get advice from oth­er free­lancers on stay­ing alive and thriv­ing as an independent.


Be A Better PM

Brett Harned has a sim­ple mes­sage: to be a bet­ter PM we have to look after our teams, our process, and our­selves. A fan­tas­tic presentation.

Fuck You, Pay Me

The quin­tes­sen­tial resource for any­one need­ing an entre­pre­neur­ial pick-me-up and a lit­tle how-to. If you don’t know how to ask for more mon­ey, Mike Mon­teiro will tell you.

Let's Kill the Billable Hour

The bill­able hour. Who needs it. A rel­ic from the indus­tri­al era, Jon Lax deliv­ers the fatal blow to our under­stand­ing of billing hourly dur­ing his Cre­ative Morn­ings talk. Death to the hour.

Vice Versa Client Management

Sam Barnes nails client man­age­ment to the wall. It’s about being hon­est, nice, and a good lis­ten­er. Who’d have thought.


Consultancy Scrum

These guys are onto some­thing: they’re turn­ing the agile scrum mod­el inside out so that stake­hold­ers are gen­uine­ly a part of the process. Keep check­ing in to see what they’re up to.

Laws of UX

Laws of UX is a col­lec­tion of the key max­ims that design­ers must con­sid­er when build­ing user interfaces.

R/m Design School

R/​m Design School is a series of edu­ca­tion­al projects and arti­cles cov­er­ing a range of fun­da­men­tal design con­cepts like typog­ra­phy, col­or, grids, and layout.

The Complete Guide: Content Strategy for Website Projects

Meghan Casey out­lines a step-by-step approach for doing con­tent strat­e­gy, from plan­ning and cre­at­ing your con­tent to deliv­er­ing and man­ag­ing it. Learn about the meth­ods, guide­lines, and tem­plates to help you get your con­tent strat­e­gy right.

The DesignBetter.Co library

An impres­sive col­lec­tion of guides and resources for design­ing prod­ucts from the indus­try’s best designers.

The project game

Some handy tips and tem­plates to help you las­so your clients and projects. Cre­at­ed by the won­der­ful Brett Harned.

The Toolbox Toolbox

A curat­ed list of the best ana­logue and dig­i­tal tool­box­es and meth­ods from com­pa­nies, insti­tu­tions and thinkers.

UX Trends

The UX Col­lec­tive maps pat­terns and trends they’re see­ing in the realm of user expe­ri­ence design through a col­lec­tion of fun, smart articles.

Web Design Field Manual

A won­der­ful list of mod­ern web design resources. Kind of like this page. But different.


Analytics for Agencies

Our friends at Kick­point cre­at­ed a course that clar­i­fies Google Ana­lyt­ics and relat­ed tools, pro­vid­ing use­ful insights to your clients.


Codecad­e­my can teach you how to code at any lev­el with its easy-to-fol­low hands-on cours­es. Best of all, it’s free.

Notion Mastery

The best train­ing for one of the best apps out there.


If you can think it, Skill­share prob­a­bly has a tuto­r­i­al on it. Learn the basics of near­ly any­thing for dirt cheap.


What a won­der­ful way to learn to design and code.

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