Digital project management training


The power is in your people. Let’s amplify them.

Turn it up with Louder Than Ten’s digital project management training and courses

Take our remote training and let’s reshape your workflows, elevate your team, and accelerate your career. You’ll be managing projects like a maestro.

Our digital project management courses

SuperHi Project Management

Dip your toes

SuperHi Digital Project Management

Just getting started in the world of digital project management? Learn the indispensable basics of PM and enjoy smoother projects and frictionless processes. The quickest and easiest way to get the basics of managing projects.

This is a self-directed video course offered in partnership with SuperHi.

Ideal for:
Brand new PMs, non-PM professionals considering a career change

8-week video course


Digital Project Management Foundations course cover

Deep dive

Digital Project Management Foundations

This 90-day course covers the fundamentals of democratic digital project management across 9 modules.

By the end, you’ll know how to scope and estimate healthy projects and will have a deep understanding of the digital project lifecycle from intake to maintenance and future phases. Students can continue past Foundations to become a fully certified digital project leader.

Ideal for:
Digital agencies and creative teams, junior-to-mid-level PMs, freelancers

3-months of remote training


Loud­er Than Ten’s Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course had a huge impact on my pro­fes­sion­al growth as a PM, and as a result, on our com­pa­ny as a whole. Our projects are run­ning more smooth­ly and prof­itably, and our clients are notic­ing. I’m grate­ful to be a part of such a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­ni­ty. Kudos to LT10 for all they’re doing to grow and sup­port lead­ers in our industry.

How Digital Project Management helps your digital agency

A well-trained digital project manager is the nucleus of your team. They’re the leaders who keep projects running smoothly. From making sure everyone’s on the same page to keeping on top of quality control. Digital projects are tricky, but great PMs handle them with style.

Get more efficient

Good project managers know how to make things run smoothly. They’re great at getting teams to work together and making sure everyone’s on track. They make things happen quicker and save money for their teams.

Mitigate risk

Digital projects are nebulous and full of uncertainty. PMs are masters at identifying risks and red flags and coming up with strategies to tackle them head-on. Before they become expensive problems.

Improve communication

Project management isn’t box-ticking and calendar management. It’s 80% communication. The best PMs are clear, direct, and know just what to say to get things done, all while keeping stakeholders happy. We call them loveable hardasses.

Effectively allocate resources

It’s one thing to manage a single project, it’s another to manage a bunch of them and make sure work is distributed evenly across the team, connects with agency financials, and keeps realistic deadlines. Great PMs keep the whole company running like clockwork.

Frequently asked questions

How long are your dig­i­tal project man­age­ment courses?

The Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive train­ing with 9 mod­ules taught in real-time over 3 months. The Super­Hi course is 8 weeks of self-direct­ed learn­ing using pre-record­ed videos.

Who are these cours­es for?

Our cours­es are best suit­ed for junior to inter­me­di­ate project man­agers or any­one seek­ing a deep­er under­stand­ing of the project life cycle. They can also onboard a new dig­i­tal project man­ag­er in a dig­i­tal agency.

We have clients in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, design, soft­ware devel­op­ment, as well as inter­nal dig­i­tal teams. If your com­pa­ny builds dig­i­tal projects for clients or stake­hold­ers, our cours­es are for you.

Who teach­es the Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course?

Your Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions train­er has years of expe­ri­ence as a skilled dig­i­tal project man­ag­er and con­sul­tant for agen­cies and cre­ative teams. Learn more about our train­ers. We also offer cus­tom train­ing and con­sult­ing for more expe­ri­enced indi­vid­u­als and teams.

What for­mat is the training?

The Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course has 9 mod­ules deliv­ered over Zoom in real-time in week­ly 3‑hour ses­sions. The Super­Hi course uses self-direct­ed learn­ing via pre-record­ed videos at Super­Hi. See the full com­par­i­son.

I don’t see my ques­tion here — who can I speak to?

If your ques­tion isn’t answered here or in our full FAQ, feel free to drop us a line at hello@​louderthanten.​com or call 18442040004 if you need urgent support.

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