Design is hard.

Without project management,
it’s nearly impossible.

Learn more about Louder Than Ten’s training programs

You’re a designer. You’ve gotta be creative, innovative, tenacious, determined. You’ve got to pump out fresh concepts in 43 seconds and execute the perfect composition of colour theory, typography, layout, and UX in 25 more. But what happens when you’re exhausted by revisions, out of time, and everybody takes turns crapping on your work? What if being a great designer isn’t enough?

Here’s something they leave out in art school: designing and knowing how to manage a design project are two radically different skills. Try to do one without the other and you’ll hit static. You tune your pixels, why not tune your processes? We can help.

You might have a project management problem

Project management isn’t box-checking and calendar invites. It is about creating a world where you can exhale and do your best creative work. It’s like a design grid for your workflow. Project management helps you:

Stop promising you can do things when you can’t

Build design systems and processes that your org uses

Build healthy boundaries that protect you and your team

Get buy-in to your creative process and alignment from start to finish

Get recognized for sustainable, profitable projects (and get paid)

Without project management...With project management...

Your projects are vague and you get feedback that frustrates the hell out of you

You ask the right questions and get the answers you need to do the work

You get tons of revision requests and no extra budget to do them (a.k.a. scope creep)

You know what's in scope, what's out, and how to reel in the requests so you get paid and launch on time

Your projects morph into monsters half way through

You can sell a discovery and research phase to define what happy projects look like in your sleep

You've got no processes or worse—they exist but nobody follows them

You have design systems and processes that you all love and use

You dread team convos with pushy clients or execs

You have scripts for tough client convos and tame pushy folks with a smile

Guitar amp and cabinet stack

Meet Louder Than Ten

Louder Than Ten’s project management training isn’t like the rest. As a former design studio, we love design—we know what great PM is all about. We offer real-time remote PM learning to small cohorts delivered by human trainers who teach you what you need to know today so you can run your design projects better tomorrow. You’ll learn a fun mix of curriculum, tips and tools, workshops, and practical exercises. Our Slack community has your back and helps you answer tough questions that all designers feel gnawing in their guts.

At Louder Than Ten, we live by our manifesto and democratic processes and a people-first approach are everything.

Who should take Louder Than Ten’s project management training?

  • Freelance designers
  • Design studio owners
  • Design or creative project managers
  • Art directors, creative directors, and design directors
  • Anyone who oversees a team of designers or design projects
  • Designers who are looking to make a career change into project management

Take control of your projects so you can find your flow again. Sign up for PM training with Louder Than Ten.

Friendly Design Co
Post Projects
Canales & Co

I can­not rec­om­mend LT10 high­ly enough. Myself and sev­er­al oth­er design­ers based in LA took the 3‑month Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment foun­da­tions course. The qual­i­ty and prac­ti­cal­i­ty of the insights and learn­ings, com­bined with high qual­i­ty, engag­ing, car­ing instruc­tion made every Thurs­day for 3 months invalu­able. I feel con­fi­dent and bet­ter equipped to nav­i­gate the many facets of man­ag­ing a healthy project. A last word of praise for Rachel and the team, and the com­mu­ni­ty they’ve built with LT10. Incred­i­bly kind, thought­ful, sharp, and insight­ful peo­ple. If you are won­der­ing whether LT10’s offer­ings are worth your mon­ey, I guar­an­tee that by the end of the course, you’ll think you under-paid.

Loud­er Than Ten has always tak­en the time to under­stand the unique ways in which we work at Meta­L­ab while using their great under­stand­ing of project man­age­ment, strong facil­i­ta­tion skills, and abil­i­ty to con­nect with each indi­vid­ual to help us lev­el up as a team.

Frequently asked questions

What is Loud­er Than Ten?

Loud­er Than Ten sup­ports, trains, and coach­es cre­ative and dig­i­tal teams on how to run more equi­table, sus­tain­able, and func­tion­al orga­ni­za­tions through hands-on demo­c­ra­t­ic project man­age­ment and operations.

Which Loud­er Than Ten course is right for me?

The 90-day Dig­i­tal Project Man­age­ment Foun­da­tions course is per­fect for small-to-medi­um sized agen­cies and team mem­bers with begin­ner-to-inter­me­di­ate PM skills. The Dig­i­tal PM Oper­a­tions Appren­tice­ship is 8‑months of com­pre­hen­sive train­ing designed to deliv­er a com­plete oper­a­tional over­haul for your team. 

We also offer cus­tom train­ing in pri­vate cohorts. Check out this table to com­pare our cours­es at a glance.

Why should a design­er take a project man­age­ment course?

Project man­age­ment fun­da­men­tals are essen­tial for any cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al — not just project man­agers. Cre­atives work for years to earn their place at the table. But often, this comes with­out nav­i­ga­tion­al sup­port, so they feel lost when they end up there.

With PM under your belt, you can own your seat at the table and smile. Skills like stake­hold­er onboard­ing and set­up, scop­ing and esti­mat­ing, and risk and red flag spot­ting make projects more prof­itable and sus­tain­able (and make peo­ple happier).

Do I need to have for­mal project man­age­ment expe­ri­ence to take a course with Loud­er Than Ten?

No — most of our stu­dents have some degree of project man­age­ment expe­ri­ence, but it’s not a pre­req­ui­site for enrol­ment. We strong­ly encour­age folks from non-tra­di­tion­al project man­age­ment-adja­cent fields to join us (if you have ever dealt with clients or over­seen a team, that means you).

How much do Loud­er Than Ten’s cours­es cost?

Course pric­ing varies based on course type and length. Click here for a com­plete pric­ing breakdown. 

Depend­ing on where you live, you may be eli­gi­ble for gov­ern­ment grants for high­er education.

Are Loud­er Than Ten class­es pre-recorded?

All Loud­er Than Ten cours­es are taught by real instruc­tors and offered in real-time on a week­ly basis. Our class times are ide­al for indi­vid­u­als in the Amer­i­c­as, Europe, and Africa — but might be tricky for any­one in Asia or Australia.

I don’t see my ques­tion here — who can I speak to?

If your ques­tion isn’t answered here or in our full FAQ, feel free to drop us a line at hello@​louderthanten.​com or call 1- 8442040004 if you need urgent support.

Helpful Resources

Illustration of quotes inside a speech bubble

Scripts for tough conversations

Say this when you don’t know what to say.

Scope creep: what is it, how it happens, and how you can prevent it

The four most common types of scope creep in project management with examples

Our project management manifesto

What it means to be a resilient digital project lead

Talk to us.

Learn more about our programs or just say hi.